Red de conocimiento del abogados - Ley de patentes - Componentes del índice S&P 500

Componentes del índice S&P 500

Número de serie código nombre de la empresa

1 A Agilent

2 AA Alcoa

3 AAPL Apple

4 ABC AmerisourceBergen

5 ABT Abbott Laboratories

6 ACE ACE Insurance

7 ACN Accenture

8 ADBE Adobe Systems

9 Dispositivos analógicos ADI

10 ADM ADM Company

11 Procesamiento automático de datos ADP

12 ADSK Autodesk

13 AEE Amorim

14 AEP American Electric Power

15 AES AES Electric

16 AET Aetna Insurance

17 AFL Family Life Insurance

18 AGN Allergan

19 AIG American International Group

20 AIV Apartment Investment and Management

21 AIZ assurant

22 AKAM akamai

23 AKS AK Steel

24 ALL Quanzhou Insurance

25 ALTR altera

26 AMAT Applied Materials

27 Microdispositivos AMD Advanced

28 AMGN Amgen

29 AMP ameriprise

30 AMT torre americana

31 AMZN Amazon

32 AN autonation

33 ANF abercrombie & fitch

34 ANR Alpha Natural Resources

35 AON

36 APA Apache Petroleum

37 APC Anadarko Petroleum

38 APD Air Chemicals

39 APH Amfenol Electronics

40 APOL Apollo

41 ARG airgas

42 ATI Yelian Technology

43 AVB avalonbay

44 AVP Avon

45 AVY Avery Dennison

46 AXP American Express

47 AZO autozone

48 BA Boeing

49 BAC Bank of America

50 BAX Baxter International

51 BBBY baño de cama amp; más allá

52 BBT BBamp

53 ABY Best Buy

54 BCR CR bard

55 BDX Biddy

56 Recursos de BEN Franklin

57 BF_B Brown-Forman

58 BHI Baker Hughes

59 BIG Precio de venta al por menor de lotes grandes

60 BIIB Biogene

61 BK Bank of New York Mellon

62 BLK BlackRock

63 BLL Bol

64 BMC BMC Software


66 BMY Bristol-Myers Squibb

67 BRCM broadcom

68 BRK_B Berkshire Hathaway-B

69 BSX Boston Scientific

70 BTU Peabody Energy

71 BXP Boston Properties

72 C Citigroup

73 CA Crown Group International

74 CAG ConAgra Foods

75 CAH cardinal salud

76 CAM cameron international

77 CAT Caterpillar

78 CB Chubo Group

79 CBG Shibang Wei Lizhuang

80 CBS Columbia Broadcasting

81 CCE Coca-Cola Enterprises

82 CCL Carnival Cruise Line-co

83 CEP United Energy

84 CELG celgene

85 CEPH cephalon (negociación suspendida)

86 CERN cerner company

87 CF CF Industrial Holdings

88 CFN carefusion

89 CHK Chesapeake Energy

90 CHRW Robinson Global Logistics

91 CI Cigna

92 CINF Cincinnati Financial

93 CL Colgate-Palmolive

94 CLF acantilados recursos naturales

95 CLX clorox

96 CMA comerica

97 CMCSA Comcast

98 CME Chicago Exchange

99 CMG chipotle parrilla mexicana

100 CMI Cummins

101 CMS CMS Energy

102 CNP Midpoint Energy

103 CNX consol Energy

104 COF Capital One Financial

105 COG cabot oil amp; autocar

107 COL Rockwell Collins

108 COP ConocoPhillips

109 COSTO Buen Mercado Más

110 COV covidien plc

111 CPB Campbell Soup

112 CPWR Kangbo Software

113 CRM Salesforce

114 CSC consultoría de sistemas informáticos

115 CSCO Cisco

116 CSX Transporte CSX

117 cintas CTAS

118 CTL Century Telecom


119 CTSH Cognizant Technology

120 Sistema CTXS Citrix

121 Sistema de televisión por cable CVC

122 CVH Coventry Health Care

123 CVS CVS Caremark Comercio minorista de productos farmacéuticos

124 CVX Chevron

125 Recursos de D Dominion

126 DD DuPont

127 DE Deere

128 DELL

129 DF Dean Foods

130 DFS Discovery Financial Services

131 DGX Quest Diagnosis

132 DHI D.R.horton

133 DHR Danaher

134 DIS Walt Disney

135 DISCA Discovery Communications-A

136 DNB Deng

Baishi Company

137 DNR Recursos de Denbury

138 DO Perforación diamantina en alta mar

139 DOV Dover

140 DOW Dow Chemical


141 DPS dr pepper snapple group

142 DRI Darden Hotel

143 DTE DTE Energy

144 DTV directv

145 DUK Duke Energy

146 DV devry

147 DVA davita

148 DVN Devon Energy


150 ECL Ecolab Chemical

151 ED Consolidated Edison

152 EFX equifax

153 EIX Edison International

154 EL Estee Lauder

155 EMC EMC Corporation

156 EMN Eastman Chemical

157 EMR Emerson Electric

158 EOG Recursos EOG


159 EP El Paso Energy (suspendido)

160 EQR Apartment Property Equity Trust

161 EQT EQT corp

162 EA Electronic Arts World

163 ESRX Quick Prescription

164 ETFC E trade Finance

165 ETN Eaton Corporation

166 ETR Entergy Corporation


167 EW Edward Life Sciences

168 EXC Exelon Power

169 EXPD expeditors international of was

170 EXPE expedia

171 F Ford Motor

172 FAST fastenal

173 FCX Mina de cobre y oro Freeport-McMoRan

174 FDO Family Dollar Store

175 FDX FedEx

176 FE First Energy

177 FFIV F5 Network

178 FHN First Horizon Bank

179 FII Joint Investment

180 FIS Fidelity National Information Services

181 FISV fiserv Corporation

182 FITB Fifth Third Bank

183 FLIR Sistemas FLIR

184 FLR Fluor

185 FLS Flowserve Company

186 FMC FMC Company

187 FO marca Fujun (suspendido)

188 FRX Laboratorio Forestal

189 FSLR First Solar

190 FTI fmc technologies

191 FTR Frontline Media

192 GAS nicor

193 GCI Gannett

194 GD General Dynamics

195 GE General Electric

196 GILD Gilead Science

197 GIS General Mills

198 GLW Corning

199 GME gamestop

200 GNW genworth oro


201 GOOG Google

202 piezas de marca pura GPC

203 GPS Gap

204 PIB Goodrich

205 GS Goldman Sachs

206 GT Goodyear Tires

207 GWW W.W. Granger

208 HAL Halliburton Company

209 HAR Harman International Industries

210 HAS Hasbro

211 Informe financiero HBAN Huntington

212 HCBK Hudson City Bank

213 HCN Healthcare Property Trust

214 HCP HCP Property Trust

215 HD Home Depot

216 HES Hess Oil

217 HIG Hartford Financial Services

218 HNZ Heinz

219 HOG Harley-Davidson

220 HON Honeywell International

221 HOT Starwood Hotel

222 HP Helmerich & Payne

223 HPQ Hewlett Packard Company

224 HRB Hamp R Block

225 HRL Hormel

226 HRS Harris

227 HSP hospira

228 HST aloja hoteles y resorts

229 HSY Hershey Company

230 HUM Humana

231 IBM IBM Company

232 ICE Intercontinental Exchange

233 IFF International Flavors Flavor

234 IGT International Gaming Technology

235 INTC Intel

236 INTU Software intuitivo

237 IP International Paper

238 IPG Aipezhi

239 IR Ingersoll Rand

240 IRM Iron Mountain

241 ISRG quirúrgico intuitivo

242 ITT ITT Technology

243 ITW Illinois Tool

244 IVZ Invesco

245 JBL Jabil Electronics

246 JCI Johnson Controls

247 JCP J.C. Penney

248 JDSU JDSU Optoelectrónica

249 JEC Jacobs Engineering

250 JNJ Johnson & Johnson


251 JNPR Juniper Networks

252 JNS Janus Asset Management

253 JOY Joy Global

254 JPM JPMorgan Chase

255 JWN Nordstrom

256 K Kellogg's

257 KEY keycorp

258 KFT Kraft Foods

259 KIM kimco real estate trust

260 KLAC Ketian Semiconductor

261 KMB Kimberly Clark

262 KMX carmax inc

263 KO Coca-Cola

264 KR Kroger

265 KSS Kohl's

266 L Lowes Insurance

267 LEG Leggett & Platt Group

268 LEN Lena Real Estate

269 LH Laboratorio Americano

270 LIFE Life Technology

271 LLL L-3 Communications Holdings

272 LLTC Lin Liert

273 LLY Eli Lilly

274 LM Mosaic Group


275 LMT Lockheed Martin

276 LNC Lincoln National

277 LO Lorillard Tobacco

278 LOW Lowe's


279 LSI LSI Electronics

280 LTD Ropa de marca limitada

281 LUK Lecadia

282 LUV Southwest Airlines

283 LXK Lexmark International

284 M Macy's

285 MA Mastercard

286 MAR Marriott International

287 MAS Sco

288 MAT Mattel

289 MCD McDonald's

290 MCHP Tecnología de microchip

291 MCK McKesson

292 MCO Moody's

293 MDT Medtronic

294 MET Metropolitan Insurance

295 MHP McGraw-Hill

296 MHS Meike Health (suspendido)

297 MJN Mead Johnson

298 MKC McCormick

299 MMC marsh amp mclennan

300 MMI Motorola Mobility

301 MMM Minnesota Mining Manufacturing

302 MO Gautli

303 MOLX Molex

304 MON Monsanto


305 MRK Merck

306 MRO Marathon Petroleum

307 MS Morgan Stanley

308 MSFT Microsoft

309 MSI Motorola Solutions

310 MTB M&T Bank

311 MU Micron Technology

312 MUR Murphy Oil

313 MWV Medvec

314 MWW Global Monster

315 MYL Mylan Laboratories

316 NBL Noble Energy

317 NBR Nabors Industries

318 NDAQ Nasdaq OMX

319 NE Noble Drilling

320 NEE nextera Energía

321 NEM Newmont Mining

322 NFLX Netflix

323 NFX Newfield Petroleum

324 NI Nisos

325 NKE Nike

326 NOC Northrop Grumman

327 NOV National Oilwell Varco

328 NRG NRG Energy

329 NSC Novo Cronan

330 NSM National Semiconductor

331 Tecnología de almacenamiento de dominio de red NTAP

332 NTRS North American Trust

333 NU Northeast Utilities

334 NUE Nucor Steel

335 NVDA Nvidia

336 NVLS Novartis Systems (suspendido)

337 NWL Newell Rubber

338 NWSA Grupo de Noticias CLASE A

339 NYX NYSE Euronext

340 OI Owens Illinois


341 OKE oneok

342 OMC Omnikon

343 ORCL Oracle

344 ORLY O'Reilly Automobile

345 OXY Occidental Petroleum

346 PAYX Peiqi

347 PBCT People's United Financial

348 PBI Pitney Bowes

349 Parka PCAR

350 PCG Pacific Gas & Electric

351 PCL Meixi Lumber

352 PCLN priceline

353 PCP Compact Components

354 PCS metropcs comunicación

355 PDCO Parsent

356 PEG servicio público***

357 PEP Pepsi-Cola

358 PFE Pfizer Pharmaceuticals

359 PFG Principal Financiero

360 PG Procter & Gamble

361 PGN Progreso Energía (Negociación suspendida)

362 PGR Progresivo Seguros

363 PH Parker Hannifin

364 PHM Pulte Homes

365 PKI Platinum Elmer

366 PLD Prologis inc

367 PLL Pall

368 PM Philip Morris

369 PNC PNC Financial Services

370 PNW pinnacle Western Capital

371 POM pepco

372 PPG PPG Industrial

373 PPL PPL Energía

374 PRU Prudential Financial

375 PSA Corporation ***Storage Trust

376 PWR quanta Services inc

377 PX Praxair

378 PXD Pioneer Natural Resources

379 QCOM Qualcomm

380 QEP QEP Resources

381 R Ryder Logistics

382 RAI Renault America

383 RDC Rowan Drilling

384 RF Regional Finance

385 RHI robert half

386 RHT Red Hat

387 RL Ralph Lauren POLO

388 ROK Rockwell Automation

389 ROP roper industries

390 ROST Venta minorista de ropa de Ross

391 Recursos de gama RRC

392 RRD Kang Nalley & Sons

393 RSG ***&Servicio

394 RSH radioshack

395 RTN Thunder

396 S Spring Tenex

397 Aplicaciones científicas SAI

398 SBUX Starbucks

399 SCG scana Electricidad

400 SCHW Charles Schwab

401 SE espectros de energía

402 SEE Envasado de aire sellado

403 SHLD Sears Holdings

404 SHW Sherwin-Williams

405 SIAL Sigma Aldrich

406 SJM Shengmeijia Food

>407 SLB Schlumberger

408 SLE Sally Group (suspendido)


410 SNA Snap-on

411 SNDK Santo Dish

412 SNI Scripps Network Interactive

413 SO Southern Power

414 SPG Simon Real Estate

415 SPLS Staples

Estericiclo 416 SRCL

417 SRE Sempra Energy

418 STI SunTrust

419 STJ St. Jude Medical

420 STT State Calle

421 STZ Constellation Corporation

422 SUN Sun Oil

423 SVU Super Price Store

424 SWK Stanley

425 SWN Southwest Energy

426 SWY Safeway

427 SYK Stryker

428 SYMC Symantec

429 SYY Sysco

430 T AT&T

431 TAP Molson Coors Brewing

432 TDC teradata

433 TE teco Energy

434 TEG integrys Energy

435 TER Teradida

436 TGT ​​​​Target

437 THC Tenet Medical

438 TIE Titanio Metal

439 TIF Tiffany

440 TJX TJX Retail

441 TLAB Tellab

442 TMK torchmark

443 TMO Thermo Fisher

444 TROW T Rowe Price

445 TRV Traveler Group

446 TSN Tyson Foods

447 TSO Tesoro Petroleum

448 TSS servicios totales del sistema

449 TWC Time Warner Cable

450 TWX Time Warner

451 TXN Texas Instruments

452 TXT Textron

453 TYC Tyco International

454 UNH UnitedHealth

455 UNM Seguro UNUM

456 UNP Union Pacific

457 UPS United Paquetería

458 URBN Cadena urbana de productos de primera necesidad

459 USB Estados Unidos

460 UTX United Technologies

461 Tarjeta VISA V


462 VAR Varian Medical

463 VFC VF Ropa

464 VIA_B Viacom-CLASS B (suspendido)

465 VLO Valero Energy

466 VMC material vulcan

467 VNO Vornado Real Estate Trust

468 VRSN VeriSign

469 VTR ventas

470 VZ Friesen Telecomunicaciones

471 WAG Walgreens

472 WAT Waters

473 WDC Western Digital

474 WEC Wisconsin Energy

475 WFC Wells Fargo


476 WFM Whole Foods Market

477 WFR memc materiales electrónicos

478 WHR Whirlpool

479 WIN windstream

480 WLP Wellpoint

481 WM Waste Management

482 WMB Williams

483 WMT Tiendas Wal-Mart

484 WPI Watson Pharmaceuticals

485 WPO Washington Post

486 WU Western Union

487 WY Weyerhaeuser

488 WYN Wyndham

489 WYNN Wynn Resorts

490 X U.S. Steel

491 XEL XCEL Energy

492 XL XL Capital

493 XLNX Race Lingsi

494 XOM ExxonMobil

495 XRAY Dentsply International

496 XRX Xerox

497 YHOO Yahoo


498 YUM Yum Marcas

499 ZION ZIONS Financial

500 ZMH Zimmer Holdings